Many of us are quite comfortable where we are. We have daily routines that usually play out like clockwork, with one or two memorable events in between to stop us from going crazy. We sometimes ask ourselves and our friends “Why and ourselves travel? What is the point? I have everything I need right here!” Well, the answer is quite a bit simpler than you might think!
Firstly, travelling is easy; much easier, in fact, than we expect. Sure, it costs money, but there is always a way to get to where you want to go that will fit your budget, and the best part is that you probably won’t have to do much of the grunt work yourself anyway. Visit a travel agent and get advice on what you can expect, what kind of destinations might suit you, and if you feel you have the right fit, they will do virtually everything for you! If you are the kind of person who prefers doing things yourself, you might even find yourself having fun watching your planning unfold before your eyes.
Another amazing thing that travelling will give you, as clichéd as it sounds, is an all-round education. Not only will you learn about wildly different cultures to your own (along with tasting their cuisine, which might be a selling point for you all on its own), but you will gain perspective on how they view you, learn their languages and traditions and give you skills necessary for surviving in our increasingly global community. After all, it may come in handy one day to be able to order what you want in a restaurant in Venice or China, You never know when these skills will be needed, or who they might impress!
On a trip to a foreign land, you will almost certainly encounter people you never would have at home, and because you’re in a strange place, making friends will be a necessary step for your survival. Making friends in a little village in India, or being accepted into a local tribe in Venezuela will give you memories that you will never forget. Travelling to these places with someone from home will most likely also strengthen your friendship with that person, giving you shared experience that you will be able to bond over for years to come.
One of the most important reasons why travelling should always be an option is because, well, why not? Everyone needs an adventure every once in a while, and being able to take a break from your real life for a while might get you to appreciate what you have a little more, and when you get back, you may find yourself more excited than ever to get back to work and see all the people you normally see so that you can share your experiences with them.
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