So you’ve finally decided to make that long trip from Johannesburg to Cape Town and due to some budget constraints, you will be travelling by bus. All your arrangements have been made and entertainment is sorted the moment you get off the bus. But what about ON the bus? Let me help you with that!
If you’re lucky, the bus you will be travelling with will have a television that will show various movies throughout your travel time. So what do you do if your bus isn’t one of those? Or worse even, you’ve seen all the movies scheduled to show on the bus – repeatedly? Well, luckily for you, our age has been blessed with various mobile devices equipped to entertain you for hours on end – perfect for a long bus trip.
Firstly, your Android or Blackberry smartphone will contribute greatly to your entertainment. Mobile games and apps are available in their thousands and are designed to be enjoyed on the go. Every genre from puzzle games to word games and more, can simply be downloaded to your device. Simply find an appropriate game, plug in those earphones and get going! If you have a tablet, you might want to load a few movies on it and remember those earphones! Top sites have created optimised and compatible real money casino games, which means you can enjoy a real gambling experience whilst sitting in your bus seat!
If you are not as lucky as to have a smart phone or tablet, the old reliable MP3 player will not fail you. Listen to hours of your favourite music, while paging through a magazine or enjoying the landscape you are travelling through.
If your luck does not stretch to a MP3 player either, then my best advice would be to sit back and start visualising what you will do once the wheels stop turning! Either way, remember that the bus ride also forms part of your holiday, so get yourself into the holiday spirit so that you are ready to relax the moment you get off!